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Comprehensive services in the field of active and passive lightning conductors throughout the Czech and Slovak Republic for all types of buildings. Turnkey implementation - from designing lightning conductors, delivering materials and implementation, to audit reports. We provide warranty and post-warranty service. Sale of parts for lightning conductors and groundings.

projektování hromosvodů

Solution proposal

The lightning conductor should be an integral part of every object. So if you are planning to install a new lightning conductor or need a repair, do not hesitate to contact us.

We will be happy to come for a tour and propose a solution for the object.

Installation of lightning conductor

We provide installation on all types of roofs. We provide new installations and repairs on family houses, apartment buildings, offices and institutions, industrial and commercial buildings, sports and production halls, hospitals and historical buildings. We also carry out assembly on objects with the risk of explosion.

We use only quality, certified materials.

montáže hromosvodů
kontroly a revize hromosvodů

Equipment revision

For lightning conductors it is necessary to carry out regular inspections and revisions. These checks are intended to verify that the equipment is functional and operational. If any deficiencies are detected, we propose and implement the necessary repairs.